HP4195A网络/频谱/阻抗分析仪 HP4195A网络/频谱/阻抗分析仪、参数说明、产品规格: ·频率范围:10K - 500MHz ·电平误差:±0.05dB ·相位误差:±0.3 ·高准确度和分辨率 ·易于使用 ·彩色图形和分析 ·直接储存/记得内部磁盘驱动器 ·线性和非线性测量和分析设备 *********************** HP4195A HP4195A | n e t w ork / spectrum analyzer Agilent 4195A, is for the development and production testing equipment cost-effective ofanalogSolution . In order to improve the performance and simple operation, manynew and powe rful features have been incorporated, thus making theAgilent 4195A a H**nalog Design Engineer of the ideal tool.In addition to measure n e t w ork and spectrum**r ameters sets, HP4195A n e t w ork spectrum analyzer canautomatically derived S of impedance **rameter parameter,From 100 kHz to 500 MHz direct impedance me asurement beperformed can use the optional 41951A impedance detection kit, use n e t w ork / spectrumThe Analyzersprovides vector n e t w ork and spectrum measurem ent capability.HP4195A HP4195A网络/频谱/阻抗分析仪 HP4195A网络/频谱/阻抗分析仪、参数说明、产品规格: ·频率范围:10K - 500MHz ·电平误差:±0.05dB ·相位误差:±0.3 ·高准确度和分辨率 ·易于使用 ·彩色图形和分析 ·直接储存/记得内部磁盘驱动器 ·线性和非线性测量和分析设备 *********************** HP4195A HP4195A | n e t w ork / spectrum analyzer Agilent 4195A, is for the development and production testing equipment cost-effective ofanalogSolution . In order to improve the performance and simple operation, manynew and powe rful features have been incorporated, thus making theAgilent 4195A a H**nalog Design Engineer of the ideal tool.In addition to measure n e t w ork and spectrum**r ameters sets, HP4195A n e t w ork spectrum analyzer canautomatically derived S of impedance **rameter parameter,From 100 kHz to 500 MHz direct impedance me asurement beperformed can use the optional 41951A impedance detection kit, use n e t w ork / spectrumThe Analyzersprovides vector n e t w ork and spectrum measurem ent capability.HP4195A